Brief Thinking of RSA

public key and private key

  1. get 2 (big) primes, p and q
  2. find n which is the key divider, where n = p * q
  3. phi(n) = (p - 1) * (q - 1), in which phi(n) is called Euler function
  4. public key e(short for its purpose encryption), which requires that:
    • 1 < e < phi(n)
    • e and phi(n) are coprime (no common factor)
  5. private key d(short for its purpose decryption), which requires that:
    • (e * d) % phi(n) == 1

And all we need for encryption and decryption is n, e and d.

encrypt and decrypt

Cipher text c, plain text m

  • encrypt: (m ^ e) % n = c
  • decrypt: (c ^ d) % n = m, check reference for more detail

We have 2 ways to build duplex-communication:

  1. A, the one keeps B’s public key, sends its public key to B, and B encrypt using A’s public key. Secure but inefficient.
  2. A, the one keeps public key, sends a symmetric key for further decryption/encryption, fast and efficient.

ssh and RSA

One way to establish ssh connection is using RSA, it needs a public key file and a private key file, they are called id_rsa_pub and id_rsa respectively by default.

  • private key (file) stores: n, phi(n), e(?) and d
  • public key (file) exposes: n, e

We can deduce the public key file with private key file, that’s why we can login with private key file:

ssh ${user}@${remote_server} -i ${local_path_to_private_rsa_of_remote_server}

man in the middle attack

RSA can not prevent man-in-middle attack.

Take ssh for example, A want to logging onto B

The normal brief procedure may be:

       A                                    B
       | 1. A asks B for public key         |
       | ---------------------------------> |
       |                                    |
       | 2. B gives A public key            |
       | <--------------------------------- |
       |                                    |
       | 3. A initiates ssh session with B's|
       |    public using RSA                |
       | ---------------------------------> |
       |                                    |
       | 4. A and B communicate with        |
       |    symmetric key (AES/DES)         |
       | <--------------------------------> |
       |                                    |

The man-in-the-middle attack may be:

   (X hack the router between A and B, it can modify all network packets)

   A                           X(man-in-the-middle)                          B
   |                                    |                                    |
   | 1. A asks B for public key         |                                    |
   | ---------------------------------> |                                    |
   |                                    | 2. X asks B for public key         |
   |                                    | ---------------------------------> |
   |                                    |                                    |
   |                                    | 3. B gives B's public key to X     |
   |                                    | <--------------------------------- |
   | 4. X gives X's public key to A     |                                    |
   | <--------------------------------- |                                    |
   |                                    |                                    |
   | 5. A initiates ssh session with    |                                    |
   |    X's public using RSA            |                                    |
   | ---------------------------------> |                                    |
   |                                    |                                    |
   |                                    | 6. X initiates ssh session with    |
   |                                    |    B's public using RSA            |
   |                                    | ---------------------------------> |
   |                                    |                                    |
   |                                    | 7. X and B communicate with        |
   |                                    |    symmetric key (AES/DES)         |
   |                                    | <--------------------------------> |
   |                                    |                                    |
   | 8. A and X communicate with        |                                    |
   |    symmetric key (AES/DES)         |                                    |
   | <--------------------------------> |                                    |
   |                                    |                                    |

A thinks the communication target is B, however, it’s X instead, which may change the content A try to send to B, and X can pretend it’s B send something to A.


Certificates can resolve the problem of man-in-the-middle attack. Refer to X.509 for more info.


math fundamentals of RSA
decryption proof of RSA

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