std::pair syntax sugar
std::pair<T1, T2> syntax sugar
, map::insert
, second
, upperbloud
, 有的代表是否插入成功以及
相应的插入位置, 在代码比较多的时候往往不是那么好记.
另外, 当我们自己想用pair来代表两个有一定关联的数据的时候, 最直接的方式是使用std::pair
, second
所以, 在实际写代码的时候, 我在思考有没有一个比较好的方式来封装这个std::pair
以下为我找到的一种方式, 用宏来做了一个std::pair
的”alias”, 我叫它NAMED_PAIR
#define TEST11_TAG "custome std::pair test"
const char* testDescription = "TEST11 2015-10-15-Thu 13:28:40 " TEST11_TAG;
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
// define macro to generate pair with custom field names
#define NAMED_PAIR(pair_name, type1, type2, name1, name2) \
struct pair_name : public std::pair<type1, type2> { \
type1& name1; \
type2& name2; \
pair_name(): name1(first), name2(second) {} \
pair_name(type1 a, type2 b): \
std::pair<type1, type2>(a, b), name1(first), name2(second) {} \
pair_name& operator=(const std::pair<type1, type2>& other) { \
this->name1 = other.first; \
this->name2 = other.second; \
return *this; \
} \
pair_name& operator=(const pair_name& other) { \
this->name1 = other.name1; \
this->name2 = other.name2; \
return *this; \
} \
pair_name(const std::pair<type1, type2>& other): \
name1(first), name2(second) { \
this->first = other.first; \
this->second = other.second; \
} \
pair_name(const pair_name& other): name1(first), name2(second) { \
this->first = other.first; \
this->second = other.second; \
} \
// function works with parameter of std::pair<> only
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void f1(const std::pair<T1, T2>& p) {
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
std::cout << p.first << " -> " << p.second << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
std::cout << testDescription << std::endl;
NAMED_PAIR(Range, int, int, lowerbound, upperbound);
Range mp;
mp.lowerbound = 1;
mp.upperbound = 2;
Range mp2(3, 4);
// declare it with macro
NAMED_PAIR(Person, std::string, int, name, age);
// works perfectly with function with parameter of std::pair<>
Person sp1; = "gavin";
sp1.age = 26;
Person sp2("aaa", 10);
// convert from std::pair<> to custom pair withou any side effect
std::pair<std::string, int> std_pair;
std_pair.first = "abc";
std_pair.second = 120;
Person sp3;
sp3 = std_pair;
std::multimap<std::string, int> mm = {
{"a", 1},
{"a", 2},
{"a", 3},
{"a", 4},
{"b", 5},
{"b", 6},
{"b", 7},
{"b", 8},
// make equal_range() return value much more readable
typedef std::multimap<std::string, int>::iterator MultimapIter;
NAMED_PAIR(MutilmapEqualRange, MultimapIter, MultimapIter, lowerbound, upperbound);
MutilmapEqualRange erange2 = mm.equal_range("b");
// new way, with readable pair member
for (auto i = erange2.lowerbound; i != erange2.upperbound; ++i) {
std::cout << i->first << " -> " << i->second << std::endl;
auto erange1 = mm.equal_range("a");
// old way, with direct std::pair
for (auto i = erange1.first; i != erange1.second; ++i) {
std::cout << i->first << " -> " << i->second << std::endl;
std::map<std::string, int> m = {
{"a", 1},
typedef std::map<std::string, int>::iterator MapIter;
NAMED_PAIR(MapInsertRet, MapIter, bool, iterator, insert_succ);
MapInsertRet ret = m.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, int>("a", 2));
// 0 a -> 1
std::cout << ret.insert_succ << " "
<< ret.iterator->first << " -> " << ret.iterator->second << std::endl;
ret = m.insert(std::make_pair<std::string, int>("b", 2));
// 1 b -> 2
std::cout << ret.insert_succ << " "
<< ret.iterator->first << " -> " << ret.iterator->second << std::endl;
// a pratical example
NAMED_PAIR(CopyPartResponse, int, std::string, part_number, response);
NAMED_PAIR(CopyPartResponseWithStatus, bool, CopyPartResponse, is_succ, response);
CopyPartResponseWithStatus res1 = {false, {1, "abc"}};
// old way, use std::pair<>, too many "first"s and "second"s, hard to remember the meaning of each field
std::cout << "succ: " << res1.first << " part number: "
<< res1.second.first << " response: " << res1.second.second << std::endl;
// new way, use NAMED_PAIR, more clear
std::cout << "succ: " << res1.is_succ << " part number: "
<< res1.response.part_number << " response: " << res1.response.response << std::endl;
return 0;